Tuesday, December 14, 2010

(Post 52)

Today is the last day of regular classes. The time went by so fast. I guess now is a good time for reflection. I have a lot to be thankful for. I am grateful that I have 4 wonderful children and one grandson whom I adore . I also have a wonderful husband that I have been married to for over thirty years. I am also grateful that I am able to return to school after so many years and I feel comfortable at the school. I have had great Professors.

I am very lucky and blessed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday (Post 51)

I cant believe this is the last week of regular classes. The semester went by so fast. I feel I just got used to all my classes and I am comfortable with the work load. Now everything will change. I hate change. I like today to be just the same as yesterday. I like order. My sister finds this so strange. She hates everything to be the same. She says I like order because I have the need to control everything. I think she is right. I know it is something I have to work on.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Monday (Post 50)

I got back my religion exam and I received a 100. I was very happy. We were also given the final. It is a take home test and it is going to be very difficult. While I was going into class I thought how important exams were. But it turned out that exams are not important at all.

At the end of class Professor McC. pointed to a chair. The chair was empty. The woman who sits there is an older student (like me). She sits at another table so I didn't get to know her, other than a hi, or bye. Professor McC said she was not here because she suffered a horrible personal event in her life. He went on to say there was an article in the newspaper some of us may have read. He also said if any of us are inclined to pray than maybe we could put her in our prayers.

I read the article last week. I knew what he was talking about. A young CCCC student was killed last week in an auto accident. Although he didn't say, I guess this was the woman's child. I really don't know what to say. I am speechless. I want to cry for this woman, this woman I don't know but shared a semester with.

I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

Christmas Tree (Post 49)

Last night we put up our Christmas tree and today the cats and dog are going crazy. Hopefully, the tree will last until Christmas. I usually make gingerbread men and hang them on the tree, but I am not sure that is a good idea this year. last last couple of years we put the tree up on Thanksgiving. It gives the kids something to do while I am cooking. This year we didn't. I like the tree up early but I also like to take it down early. We usually have it all packed up the day after Christmas.

I wonder if it will snow in December this year. I hate the snow so I don't even care if it snows fro Christmas. I guess I can be a scrooge sometimes.

Taoism Notes for Exam (Post 48)


“The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao” there is no way to tell someone what Tao is.

Confucianism notes for exam (Post 47)

Confucianism- more of a social philosophy than a religion

1) Confucius-

I had a bunch of notes that I wrote about Confucius but I could not post them because the format wouldn't let me. I thought it would be easier to write in word and then copy and paste but it didn't work.

Test (Post 46)

Well I did horrible on my religion exam. I swear I have a mental block whenever I take these exams. I studied and I knew everything that was on the exam. But I did stupid things. The first mistake I did was to forget to put BC after the year 563 for the date of Buddha's birth. The other stupid thing I did was I didn't fill in 3 answers. The question was, Name the four noble truths of Buddhism.....EASY!
First- to be is to be unhappy, suffering, the second, the cause of suffering is desire, the third, the conquest of desire will cease the suffering, the fourth is the 8 fold path to nirvana, right view,hope, speech, conduct, work, effort, mindfulness and concentration.
For some reason I ran right to the forth and listed the 8 "rights". I look at the exam now and I can't believe I didn't fill in the other three.
It's embarrassing.
I am also taking Freshman seminar and one of the things my Professor was explaining to the class was the importance sleep has on the brain. She said if you get less than 7 hours a night your brain gets "stupid". The last couple of weeks I have only been getting about 5 hours a night. Maybe this is the reason.