Thursday, September 30, 2010

Library (Post #11)

I have a few minutes to so I thought I would write a quick blog. Today we went to the library to learn about the resources we have available to us. It was very informative and I am glad we went. I learned how to access the online resources. In order to use the library and to get the most out it I need a student ID and a bar code. I already have a student ID and a bar code, therefore I am all set. We also had to take a quiz. I know I will be spending a lot of time in the future at the library!

Summer is gone (Post # 10)

It's a raining day and it is also the last day of September. Boy that month went by fast. It seamed like it was just yesterday when the kids spent most of their days in the swimming pool, sleeping late and hanging around. At the end of every summer, the kids (and the adults too) start to feel board. We may not admit it, but we look forward to the beginning of school. I think we enjoy schedules, after a few months of not following one. But the newness wears off by the time October comes and we all just want the the easy going summer days back!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quiz 3 Plagiarism (post #9)

Today we have quix #3. the quiz is about avoiding plagiarism. It basically says that when doing research you should only choose from reliable sources that end in org, edu,net,mil . Also when ever you use anything that you did not write yourself you have to give credit to who did. You also have to site your source so if anyone wants to be able to find where you found your information they will be able to follow your information and view where you found it. Also it suggests to use quote sparingly because it can break up the flow of your paper.
I hope I do well on the quiz. ( I never know when to use well or when to use good....I will have to ask that question the next time we do the cards)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Radhakrishnan (Post #8)

I'm at the school and I just finished my last class with Professor McCullough. It is after 5 and I am waiting for Jenny to finish her last class. Next Monday we have an exam on Radhikrishnan. I will write about what is on his autobiography and hopefully it will help me to remember about him. Most of what I say next is on my study sheet.

Radhakrishnan was born in India. He was a professor of Philosophy. He taught Eastern philosophy. He also taught Eastern Religion and Ethics at Oxford.He became the President of India. He was also the author of many books on Hindu and Buddhist thought. He described himself as a "teacher". Professor McCullough admires him greatly.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Red Sox (Post #7)

I am watching the Red Sox and Yankee baseball game. The Red Sox killed the Yankee's for the last two games but it is bittersweet. After a year of countless injuries there is no way the Red Sox will get into the post season. To tell the truth, I am sick of the front office not going out and getting the team what it needs. When Ellsbury, Padria and Youkills went down, they thought we didn't have a chance, but I believe we did. To think we are doing as well as we are with most of the team being players from Pawtucket. If we only added a player or two at the trade deadline......Oh well, all I can hope for now is that the Yankees lose to Tampa Bay.

Honey, Lucky and Ember (Post #6)

I just came back from a walk in the woods with my husband and our dog. We are trying to train her not to run off when we walk. This was the first time we went in the woods and took her collar off. We were both surprised to see that she did stay with us and she did not run doff. Her name is Honey. My husband named her and he adores her! I am more of a cat person. We have 2 cats. Their names are Lucky and Ember. Lucky is mostly all black and he is about 10 years old. Ember is a Maine Coon cat. He is a little over a year old and he is orange. the way we know he is a Main Coon cat is because he has a "M" on his head and a long bushy tail. He is also crazy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Danny's car and job....maybe (Post #5)

Dave and Danny went to look for a used car for Danny. Danny turned 18 in August and he would really like to have a car and my husband, Dave, is on a mission to find him one. They are on their way to Quincy to look at a Sebring. The Sebring needs a lot of work but Danny can only afford a cheap car. We figured he can learn to drive on this car and then maybe this spring he can get a much better car. We would also like to see him get a part time job. I feel bad for him because he applied everywhere and no one is hiring. I remember when I was a kid there were jobs everywhere. Now, unless you know someone, it is almost impossible to get a job. I am not talking about a great job, I am talking about, Walmart, Target, Waterwizz, Stop and Shop...etc. those are some of the places he has applied. Most places today make you take an online personality test after you complete the application. Most of the time you never get to talk to a real person.
Times have changed!

Girl Scout Parent Meeting (Post # 4)

Tonight I have a parent meeting for the Girl Scouts. This is the start of a new year. The leader of the troop, Ana, likes to have an annual meeting to let the parents know everything we will be doing with the girls. I am the co-leader and this will be the third year we have been doing this. It is a lot of fun for the girls (and a lot of fun for us). Most of the girls in our troop have been together for 5 years. We hope the girls will have lasting friendships together.
This year, we are planning on having 2 overnights. One will be at the Green Briar Heritage Museums and Gardens, in Sandwich and the other will be at the African American Museum. The program at the African American Museum will be about the underground railroad and the girls will learn what is was like to be a slave.
The girls will also choose a few community service projects. Last year they made bread for the needy and served a meal at the church for the homeless. They also sang for the church and at a nursing home.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weymouth (Post # 3)

Today is Wednesday. I am feeling the pressure today of school and home life and how to fit everything in a 24 hour day. Even though I didn't have school today, I was unable (so far) do do any work that needs to be done for school. I spent most of the day with my mother. She had a dentist appointment in Weymouth. We left at 9:00 and we just got back at 2:30. My mother moved in with me about 4 years ago. She used to live in Weymouth, that is why her dentist is in Weymouth. I don't want to ask her to change dentists because I know she already gave up a lot to come live with me in Wareham. It would be convenient if she changed but I won't ask her to. My son, Danny, got home a few minutes after I came home and I made him a quick bite to eat. I thought I would get a journal entry in before my youngest daughter got off the bus at 3:20. Then it will be snack, laundry, homework, dinner, clean up, cheer leading, walk with the dog then I can get some of my school work done. I don't know how everyone that goes to school does it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quiz (Post #2)

Today we have a quiz in Comp 101 so I thought I would study and write a blog about it. That way I am doing two things a once. I guess the first thing I have to decide is what to do my research paper on. I am not 100 % sure what I will choose, but for now, I will say that I am doing my paper on the effects on pre teen age girls that go to girl scouts, and if there are positive effects that will help them socially when they go to middle school and high school. The text tells me I should do primary and secondary research. Primary, is interviewing, field observation etc. Secondary is finding published sources. The text goes on to say that I should make a schedule and create a notebook. Both are good advice. Being organized is always a good idea. I also need to create a bibliography of all the sources I use in order to avoid plagiarism. The book next tells me to use the library's data base and the Internet and how to do searches. I am pretty good at knowing how to do that, as most people are. I am also warned to use legitimate sources. "Everything on the web is not true".......A quote my foundations in writing teacher used to say. After researching, I need to write a thesis statement and write a draft. This is just the begining.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crazy first day (Post #1)

Today is my first blog entry for my Comp 101 class. One of my assignments for this class is to write 50 journal entries, each 100 words long, by the end of the semester. Today I guess I will write about my day. This morning I woke up at 6:30. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to get Danny up or the whole family would be late. If he is late for school it is like a domino effect for the rest of the day. I manage to get him out of bed by 6:55. He takes a quick shower, eats a little cereal and the two of us are off by 7:10 to make our daily trip to Wareham High School. If our timing is off ,even by a few minutes, I will be stuck behind every school bus in town. Even when I time everything perfectly, the usual 10 minute drive, always seems to take 25 minutes. I rush back home and Paige, my youngest daughter, is usually showered and dressed and ready for breakfast. After she eats a little cereal the two of us dash out of the house by 7:55 in order to catch the school bus. A little hug goodbye and I am rushing back into the house. By now it is about 8:05 and Jenny, my oldest daughter, is waiting for me. We both go to CCCC and we car pool together. She is enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program and her first class is at 9:00 so if we are not in the car by 8:15 she has a heart attack. So even though I have been up for the last hour and a half, I haven't done much to get myself ready. I learned to get everything ready the night before so I wont forget anything. My first class is at 9:30 and I have classes until 1:45. This part of my day is the most relaxing. It is kind of nice not to have to concentrate on anything else except learning. Since Jenny's last class ends at 3:30 I will hang out at the computer lab (writing this blog) and finish up an assignment for computer class. We will probably leave the school around 3:40 and get back to Wareham by 4:05. Danny and Paige will already be home waiting to be fed. My husband gets home around 4:15. The two of us will take the dog for a quick walk, go home, eat dinner and then it is off to cheer leading practice for Paige. I like when she is at cheer leading because I get to relax a little. I can watch her practice, take a walk, read, or do some homework. Tonight we should be back home by 6:30. Then, I will probably take my mother on some errands. (my mother lives with us) By 8:30 I am usually done for the day....hooray!!