Tuesday, December 14, 2010

(Post 52)

Today is the last day of regular classes. The time went by so fast. I guess now is a good time for reflection. I have a lot to be thankful for. I am grateful that I have 4 wonderful children and one grandson whom I adore . I also have a wonderful husband that I have been married to for over thirty years. I am also grateful that I am able to return to school after so many years and I feel comfortable at the school. I have had great Professors.

I am very lucky and blessed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday (Post 51)

I cant believe this is the last week of regular classes. The semester went by so fast. I feel I just got used to all my classes and I am comfortable with the work load. Now everything will change. I hate change. I like today to be just the same as yesterday. I like order. My sister finds this so strange. She hates everything to be the same. She says I like order because I have the need to control everything. I think she is right. I know it is something I have to work on.